Admirals introduced Estonia’s first children’s money wisdom board game

Admirals presented Estonia’s first children’s money wisdom board game. The game “Compass of Money Wisdom,” created as a charity project, is primarily intended for 1-2 class students so that they could get their first knowledge regarding money wisdom. The game was created in cooperation between the Ministry of Finance, Admirals and ALPA Kids and it will be donated to 32 schools across Estonia as a pilot project.
“The Compass of Money Wisdom” is an educational and exciting board game for elementary school children that aims to raise their awareness of money-related topics. The game can also be played by parents to test their knowledge about the financial world. Estonia’s first board game on children’s money wisdom has four main focuses: collecting, spending, the value of things and desire versus will.
The creators of the game are three women – Triin Ott from Admirals, Liisi Kirch from the Ministry of Finance and Kelly Lilles from ALPA Kids. At the presentation of the game, Admirals CEO Sergei Bogatenkov, musician and father Tanel Padar and investor and co-founder of the Investment Club, as well as a father, Marko Oolo, shared their experiences of children’s money wisdom.
Liisi Kirch, the money wisdom coordinator of the Ministry of Finance, explained that school materials on money wisdom have been created in Estonia since 2012, when the first worksheets were completed. “We know that gamification is one of the most powerful tools for teaching. Person’s attitude develops at an early age, so the topic of money wisdom should be kept in focus when children start asking first questions about money, ”said Kirch about the need to focus on educating children about money at an early age.
“Financial education has always been a priority for my employer Admirals. As an international company, we effectively contribute to raising people’s awareness of issues related to the financial world, “said one of the creators of the game, Triin Ott from Admirals. According to her, it is never too early to start acquiring knowledge related to money, which is why it was decided to start a charity project to develop Estonia’s first board game, which will be donated to primary school students. “In the first stage, the pilot project, the game will reach 32 schools, which have already taken the first steps towards children’s money wisdom,” explained Ott.
“I think that children need such a game, especially to start discussions about money, and the sooner the better,” said Kelly Lilles, co-founder and CEO of the Estonian educational technology start-up company ALPA Kids. “Even before the first pocket money, it would be nice if the child could have somewhat understanding about the nature of money. Habits are formed at a very early age, so it is wise to start shaping them early and the game is the best way to acquire knowledge in a fun way,” added Lilles.
In addition to the 32 schools that received the game as a pilot project, it is also possible to pre-order the game from the ALPA Kids e-store. The entire earnings from the sale of the game will be used to produce new games so that the game reaches more and more Estonian schools.