The statement of the CEO of Admiral Markets regarding COVID19

March 12th 2020 marked the beginning of the new era as the WHO declared the state of emergency in the World due to the widespread of COVID 19. Countries, one by one started to close its borders, Estonia, the HQ of Admiral Markets among them. We immediately released a statement to our employees that the company will switch to a new work-mode based on the home office. Our greatest concern was then and is today, how to keep our people safe.
The situation we are currently facing is not an easy one for anyone. As a global company, we have 18 offices around the World which means that we are closely monitoring the changing circumstances around the globe.
Togetherness is the key – this is one of the corporate values we highly appreciate and strongly believe in. Today more than ever. But from March 12th, it has a meaning. In order to stay together, we must socially distance ourselves from one another until the state of emergency will be put behind us. The two dots on Admiral Markets’ logo is the best example of it. Standing close to each other (virtually), we must respect the request to socially keep a distance.
We are extremely thankful to our fantastic team that they were able to adopt the idea of home office within only a few days and we continued helping our clients to make money in the changing times. We carried on work in a secure environment of our homes exactly the way we did back at our office days.
Our thoughts are with the people who have been affected by COVID19 and we send the best wishes to people who are currently battling the virus.
On behalf of Admiral Markets, let me please say a huge thank you to the people at the front line of the pandemic. We are eternally grateful for your extraordinary courage. You are the heroes for willing to sacrifice your own safety and well-being in this crisis.
Sergei Bogatenkov
CEO of Admiral Markets